Spring cleaning, coffee roaster and falling asteroids

less than 1 minute read

I’ve finally gotten around to some “spring cleaning” on my domain, sites and repos.

  • This blog is now accessible from https://blog.hallgeir.org. The micro.blog URL https://hallgeir.micro.blog will also work just fine of course.
  • I’ve made my little browser-based game Gravistroids available from GitHub Pages at: https://hallgeirl.github.io/gravitroids/. There’ll be instructions on the site with a link to start the game. Crash gently!
  • You may or may not know, but I’ve made myself a coffee roaster. Currently it has about 30kg of coffee behind it, so it’s doing its job well. It is controlled through the Artisan roasting software, and I used an Arduino to set this up. I’ve created a github repo for this project: https://github.com/hallgeirl/coffee-roaster, and I’ve recently cleaned up the docs a bit. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions about this.

Until next time!
